Silent Agreements

Business Associate Agreement Template

Business Associate Agreement TemplateBusiness Associate Agreement Template

A business associate agreement template is an archive that is signed between an organization and a business associate that bounds the person to protect some important information. A business associate is a person who keeps charge of specific responsibilities at a company or an organization. Whatever duties or responsibilities are assigned to the business associate is made into an agreement with that person on behalf of the firm. Similarly, any information that is considered classified can be kept confidential by the business associate of the company through a business associate agreement. In general, it is the responsibility of the person…

Novation Agreement Template

A novation agreement template is a legal document that states the addition of some obligation in place of some previous ones, or it states the replacement of a party with another substitute. A novation agreement is a helpful tool to assign some sort of duties or to grant some sort of assets or resources to a party as a substitute for what was promised earlier. The issuance of a novation agreement cancels out the previous agreement signed to legalize the assignment of previous party or duties replaced. The generation of a novation agreement definitely includes the consent of both the…

Referral Agreement Template

A referral agreement template is an archive marked by a company for another organization or an individual who has been procured to refer clients to them. These agreements hold authentic incentive since both the parties are related to each other legitimately and the referral agreement could be a piece of their corporate documentation. A referral agreement is issued when an organization gives its lawful rights to another organization or a person to work for them as their referrer. Hereby, in this case, the referrer will only assist in increasing the number of sales or referring the clients to the company.…

Severance Agreement Template

A severance agreement template is an archive that is used to document the terms and conditions to ensure the financial position of an employee in case the job ends. Employees are offered to sign their severance agreements along with their job agreements as part of their job and severance packages. A severance package that is given to an employee after the job is terminated includes all the essential elements to maintain the financial stability of the employee until he/she plans to start another one. The severance agreement template is an important tool to avoid getting lawsuits filed against the company…

Bona Fide Agreement Template

A bone fide agreement template is an archive that guarantees that a person or a party you are dealing with is trustworthy. A bona fide agreement, as we may call it, in other words, shows another party’s good faith in you or in your business. It is a tool that brings in more clients, which in turn gives more revenue to your business and, as a result, more profit. Moreover, it secures the bond of trust between the client and the dealer. Practically, a bona fide agreement template prevents your business from a number of legal disputes and disagreements since…

Agency Agreement Template

An agency agreement template is a document signed by a company for another company that has been hired to work on their behalf. The company issuing the agency agreement would be the principal and the other would be referred to as the agent company. These agreements hold legitimate value since both the companies are associated with each other legally and the agency agreement could be a part of their corporate documentation. Agency agreements are issued when a company gives its legal rights to another company or an individual to work for them as their agent. The fundamental principle for signing…

Mentorship Agreement Template

A mentorship agreement template defines the terms of this agreement for two parties who consent to providing services of guidance and mentorship to the other. Mentorship agreements are usually signed between companies or organizations who hire other companies to train their employees. To expand their scope, companies and organizations keep making arrangements on an occasional basis for such ventures. It varies accordingly and can be made in a number of different templates depending upon the needs of the company issuing it. The mentorship agreement can act as a legitimate proof of the fact that the two parties have signed a…

Postnuptial Agreement Template

A postnuptial agreement template is an archive signed between two people who are married and decide to sort out their rights evenly in case they get a divorce or plan to live separately. In general, couples get a prenuptial agreement signed before they get married to settle their assets and let the other person know their conditions in case some particular situation arises. Postnuptial agreements are considered to be pretty common and useful tools to save you from potential disputes and disagreements in the future. These agreements do not specifically circle around property matters but they also assist as a…

Divorce Agreement Template

The divorce agreement template refers to an agreement which defines certain applicable terms and conditions over which two ex-partners agree while parting their ways after divorce. Generally, during a divorce, a lot of issues need to be resolved between the divorcing spouses and a divorce agreement does it all for them. It is important for both the parties to agree with the terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement and, since it is a legal document, one of the divorcing spouses can disagree with it. Divorce agreement templates provide a solution to any sort of potential disagreements likely to occur…

Volunteer Agreement Template

A volunteer agreement template is a document issued to a person working as a volunteer with an organization or a company. Since volunteers do not expect anything in return, it would be appropriate to keep the volunteer agreement casual to make the person feel at ease with the company or the organization. There is no standard format for a volunteer agreement since companies and organizations are not obliged to issue these agreements to everybody they hire as a volunteer. Moreover, the volunteer agreement is generally issued to those volunteers whose duties include some kind of complex project or to those…