Severance Agreement Template


A severance agreement template is an archive that is used to document the terms and conditions to ensure the financial position of an employee in case the job ends. Employees are offered to sign their severance agreements along with their job agreements as part of their job and severance packages. A severance package that is given to an employee after the job is terminated includes all the essential elements to maintain the financial stability of the employee until he/she plans to start another one. The severance agreement template is an important tool to avoid getting lawsuits filed against the company terminating the employee. This agreement covers everything, from the health insurance of an employee to his/her property loans.

Importance of Severance Agreement:

A severance agreement states the terms and conditions formulated by the company and agreed upon by the employee at the start of the job. This format clearly mentions the details of the amount in cash or money transfer that would be given to the employee. Furthermore, it incorporates the details of other benefits that the employee might be getting after the termination of his/her job. Sometimes the terms and conditions mentioned under the title of the severance agreement also state that the employee is bound to secure the information collected from the years of working at the concerned company and that any other information must not be revealed. Severance agreements generally have a validity date, and it is preferred to mention the issuance date alongside that. Finally, a place to add the signatures of the employee and the employer is provided at the end.

Template for Severance Agreement:

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